Friday, November 11, 2011

Curtains Part III

Yep, that's right! I did some more curtain workings. Remember my first round of curtains? OR how about my Second round of curtains? Well in case you forgot or care to look back, have a go at my specially made for you "hyper-links" :) And in case you hadn't noticed, I really like to have/make curtains. There really is something about them that can set a mood or give a home like feel to a regular house.

Well whether your read my "part II" or not, I will mention it here again. My last challenge that has been wracking my brain is these lovely curtains. . . .
These suckers came with the apartment (and for those of that have been in my house recently, just ignore the fact that this is a really old picture, and that arrangement is totally different now, especially since the coffee table in this picture is now my window seat bench :).
As much as these curtains are do-able, and are actually very nice in the winter cuz they are thicker, they also have a very "old style" kind of a 70's look. And nothing against the 70's, cuz we also have nice bright green shag from the same era, which is so soft and fluffy, but these curtains needed a little extra something.

So, long story short, my wonderful husband had the brilliant idea of adding another layer. Something thinner than the already thicker layer, but still curtains so I could still let in light, but still partly block out the cold.

Probably total for both windows, we spent around $20 for material and ribbons and paper clips (which is explained later), which I am pretty sure we wouldn't have been able to find curtains that cheap for these two big windows!
 So here is the outside layer we made. It has see through shear like material in the middle with a little thicker off white color on the very top and the bottom and then a ribbon at the seams as seen in the pictures.

 Here's the bottom area.. . .
And here is the top part. Oh and the apartment conveniently came with tracks and loops for another curtain layer, so we got paper clips to attached the curtain to the loops and it works great! :)

So there we have it!

Next week we have my lovely husband's birthday coming up along with family coming into town, so I might try to post a little earlier in the week, and if I get it done I might share a little of birthday presents I have up my sleeve, but in case I don't get them done, I share some more fall crafts I finished. So yeah life.

And...I mustin forget!! Tomorrow my hubby is working, which means I will indulge you with another one of my lovely "Sun-Up Saturdays!" So don't forget to come by for one of those!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a most STUPENDOUS wonderful day!


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