Friday, November 4, 2011

Yaba Daba Do! (Flinstone Costumes)

Now that Halloween has come and gone I thought I would share with you how it all worked out in putting the lovely costumes together. For starters, here is how our wigs turned out. . . and remember this is my first time trying to make a wig, so please keep kind thoughts, cuz I know they didn't turn out super great :)
First I made these lovely hats, if I were to do a wig again, I would make them a little bigger, and I would have made them into a color that matched the wig's hair better, then. . . .
I wrapped yarn around a pillow several times, tied them off on one end and then cut, to give a nice chunk of "hair". . .then. . .
I tied them on the hat, repeating several times over, the first top layers I made much longer. . .
Then when the top and back area was done, I made smaller layers by wrapping around my hand, like below, and put it in the front bangs area and then on layers underneath
Wrapping away!
Here are some layers underneath. . .see why it would have been a much better idea if I had made the original hat in black? It would have been much less to hide!
The finished product! I did have to trim a little after he had it on, but I still can't get over how he looks more like a Jamaican Fred with the "Dread" like hair.. . .oh well. . .at least. . .
He is super cute! I am so glad I got him, even if he can be a little nerd :)
Then my wig was a little more, well ALOT more tricky because Wilma has her hair in a pony tail. So I tied all my hair chunks on the bottom so I could then pull them back into a pony tail and then made sort ones for bangs as well . . .
Like so, and I cannot even count on both my hands how complicated this was to pull the pony tail back. I know it is deceiving, like it would be just as simple to pull back your own attached hair, but it turned to be much more complicated, I am not sure how to explain, but just take my word for it, if you try this at home, just be prepared for a little more of a challenge (unless I just have issues! :)
Our finished products! I made my outfit of some random white material I had around the house, made a top part and then made the bottom by making panels and sewed them all together. I also made myself some tan colored sleeves so it will still be modest and also so I wouldn't freeze! Again, best part, BY FAR, in making these costumes was I didn't have to hem the bottoms, have I mentioned how I really don't like to hem?
She wasn't so happy at first, but at least she's so cute, right?! This was right before going to my husband's work where we went trick or treating, it was right after her nap but before her snack time, can you tell?  :)
This was after it all, she was much happier and was so excited to see Daddy at work for a few minutes!
Remember these cute little matching slippers I made!? Well silly me made them a little TOO early in the month cuz they wouldn't fit on her feet right before going. I guess the elastic I put in the ankle area was just a little too tight, oh well, at least we just went to his work, indoors, instead of outside all night!
So there you have it! We hope you had a Happy Halloween! We sure had a great time! :)

Until next week!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!!! I hate hemming too!! I rarely hem halloween costumes, they're only worn for one day!


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