I have been thinking a lot on the new year and such. The beginning of a new year is always interesting to me. There is something about it that seems to be so revitalizing to people. It's their chance to make a new change, new lose weight, start new, start fresh and make THIS year a good year.
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Found this lovely thing on Pintrest, the story of my life! |
Some things kick in and bring on a great new change for you and/or your family, other things. . . .well they just don't make it through the rest of the month let alone a new year.
Change is a good thing, a motivating thing, yet it can be scary at times. But we have the power to let it affect us for good or bad, whether we are the ones that initiated the change or not. We have the power to become bitter or better from everything life brings us. My initial reaction with a lot, A LOT of things is to be bitter (don't believe me? Ask my Hubby, since he's always the one I go to complain about frustrations of life to). It is so easy to map things out in your head how you want things to turn out, and then you wake up and realize hardly anything has turned out the way you wanted.
So in light of this New Year, if nothing else of my new year resolutions follows through, I want to at least be better at remembering this quote:
"..If we spend our days waiting
for fabulous roses, we could
miss the beauty and wonder
of the tiny forget-me-nots
that are all around us."
-Pres. Dierer F. Uchtdorf
In my new desires to be much better at reading uplifting things this year I came across this quote, and I need to plaster it all over my house or hands or something, I love this quote and I don't want to forget it. I so easily get stuck in ruts of frustration and disappointment with myself or my life at home. Who knew that being a stay-at-home wife and mommy could be so hard and so much work? Well I am sure you do wonderful at it, but it is a big struggle for me many times. But in many ways it is hard because I let myself feel that way. Because I don't always enjoy what I have and where I am at. When in reality I really am so blessed. My days really are filled with such gems, with such "forget-me-nots." I just need to open my eyes more with gratitude and see them and enjoy them.
So long story short. I don't know why the New Year always seems to bring a light of new goals and new beginnings, because it really is only just another new day. One day in one year doesn't feel too different from another day in the new year. But despite the reason for "New" feelings and New changes, if nothing else follows through for me I really want to see the flowers around me more, I NEED to see the flowers.
We (my little family) like to make an overall theme for a new year and then sometimes make resolutions that relate to that theme, so our 2012 theme is:
"Be Your Best Self, In Two Thousand and Twelfth!"
And what a better way to improve myself, than by better enjoying the flowers, the blessings that are all around me!
Okay, I guess that's enough rambling thoughts of my random mind for your today. I hope this New Year brings you great changes and better opportunities, and if nothing else, a better attitude (especially for me!)
What are you New Year resolutions?
Thanks again for stopping by, and come join me next week for a new craft and new food I've made!
Until next time. . . .
Hey...no one ever tells you, but for me being a stay at home mom was quite the drag, especially when the kids are so little. It is very hard to have no social life/no friends, and even with time, there never seems to be enough time to do what needs to be done. It was extremely depressing for me. Make sure you are doing something for yourself.