I'm Whitney's sister.
She was thinking that I could post some things that I've been working on, and as time goes by, that I do. So, I thought I'd start with a small intro and then see what I have pictures of, project-wise.
I have been married for almost 13 years now (boy time flies when you're having fun!) I am in my senior year of college. I did the school/kids thing a bit backwards. I have four kids ages 6 to 11. My two oldest are boys, two youngest are girls. I decided to head back to school, and was lucky enough to find my entire bachelor's online at Utah State University. I have just applied for graduate school and am anxiously awaiting responses for that. I currently work two part time (or less) jobs and generally like to keep pretty busy. One of my jobs is in my kids' elementary school and I love that I get to see them at work!
I have two friends that eat over pretty frequently. I noticed that when it was time to feed their babies, it was a bit of a struggle. As I mentioned, my 'baby' is 6. I don't have high chairs or other baby accoutrements. I came across this on Pinterest:

A PORTABLE high chair! I had to try it out.
I followed the directions here and they turned out lovely! I don't have pictures as I already gave them away, but I am making one for my sister in AZ who is pregnant, so when I do, I'll be sure to post pics!
Enjoy!! It is very handy.
hope that wasn't supposed to be a surprise for your sis in AZ tehehe. looks super cute!