Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall Wreath and other things....

Tomorrow is the last day for "The Forsaken Petal's" Giveaway, so don't forget to go check it out and enter it. I found out a little more details on it, it is $40 worth of software that you can do scrap booking on your computer, it looks pretty amazing, so you should check it out! And don't forget to check out the blog in of itself as well, it is great to get some intellectual perspectives about writing and life, if you are into that :)

Now on other notes. . . .

So I think I might have a slight flavor of ADD or something, or at least for crafty things :) I have a really hard time starting a project and finishing it in one shot in short time frames unless it HAS to be done for a particular reason, which also puts me in the category of a procrastinator too :)
So you know how I mentioned last week that I would finish my Halloween costumes along with the wigs for them in order to show you this week? Ha ha, well that didn't happen, my "Crafty ADD" as I like to call it, kicked in and I got carried away with other crafty things I have wanted to work on. And since my procrastination will kick in this weekend and early next week, I will have the costumes done soon along with the wigs, especially since Halloween is just around the corner! :)
So here is what has been distracting me this past week. . .
 I got these random scraps of material that were in the "Fall" color scheme. . ..
 Then using some old dead glow sticks (I know, I am crazy for saving EVERYTHING, I must get it from my Dad, yikes!) I linked them together to make a larger circle with the little loop things they come with. . .

Then I cut the scraps in longish strips and tied them like crazy on the glow stick loop, like so. . .

Then I added a few fake leaves I had to add a little more natural look to it, I used the polka dotted material to tie the leaves on, then. . .
 using this lovely empty cardboard from our cereal (don't you just love Raisin Bran? My bowels sure do! :), I made. . .
 This lovely "J" for our last name initial, and then I painted it . . .
 Wall-ah! And I decided it would be best to hang it on the inside of our house since the weather can be PRETTY temperamental here, and I didn't want it to get ruined
 Here is a closer up shot, I am still debating in my head if I like the red, cuz it tends to blend in too much it is hard to see, who knows, I might go to white on it, what do you think?
 Then I thought I would add a little taste of fall to my little bench here I made a while ago. . .
 I turned the strap on the arm pillows around, put sticky Velcro on it and added leaves to it instead of the flower. And since I used Velcro I can take it off and add some other fun decor next holiday time, like maybe a poinsettia will look fun there come winter time? Then I also made new pillow covers for the little pillows, they have some of the same material as what I used for the picture frame and bulletin board I shared earlier HERE.
Then to top it all off I decided it would be fun to having hanging or "Falling" leaves on our curtains that are hung with fishing string, it is Fall after all! :)

Okay, so there we have it for the week! I will get a crackin on finishing my costumes and wigs this coming week, but I probably wont share them with you till after Halloween so you can get the full affect look, can't you just not wait till then, cuz you are just so excited!!?
But as for next weeks sharing I will share with you a little fun with date ideas, in my Hubby's and I "Fall Ball" we just had, it was so great, I know you are just dying to hear about it now, right? Well come back next week so you can get the details!
Thanks again muchly for coming by, it means a lot! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

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