Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stuffed Animals into Puppets!

My little girl loves puppets. So after much observation and contemplation I figured I could transform some of her stuffed animals into puppets. Just a heads up before/if you try this at home, I am not sure sure this will work for all stuffed animals. I did it on ones that already had some kind of mouth that would be open-able, like these two bellow. . .
 See how their mouths have a natural opening? These kind will work best. Here's how I did it.
 Using my seam ripper I cut open and gutted (not all the cotton, just enough that I could easily fit my hand in without it being too stight) where I wanted the opening for my hand to go.
 Here are the items I used. I used some random material that was big enough to fit my hand around, plus several more inches just for extra cushy room, along with them being about as long as the animal, and if ends up being too long you can cut excess off (as seen below). I sewed the material so that all but one short side is open. I also cut a piece of cardboard from a cereal box for the bottom of the alligator's mouth to give it a little more support.
 I then put the enclosed sewn material on my hand and pushed it through till it all fit comfortable in the mouth from the inside.
 Then I folded the insides together to be sewn
 It was an extremely tight squeeze fitting this stuffed animal around/near my machine, so I had to do much of this by hand, although the alligator was much easier to sew with the machine, so use your own judgement if you can fit it to sew it there.
 For the alligator my internal piece turned out a little extra long, so I cut off a good chunk, but still left enough to fold inside and sew, like below
 I know, it isn't the best sewing job on the block, but it works, so I am not gonna complain.
Rrrr! All Finished and ready to play with my little girl. My all time favorite with these is that she likes to wear them too and just walk around the house with them on her arm (yes arm, because they are short it consumes her whole arm, it is so fun! ).

Thanks again for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Until next time. . . .


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