Thursday, March 1, 2012

DIY Laundry Soap

As maybe some of you know I have ventured into the realm of Cloth Diapering, if you care to read more about all that you can read my other post on it, here, here, or here :)

So far things have gone pretty well in that department except for one frustrating detail: Rashes!

From much researching and experimenting I realized you can't entirely use diaper rash cream with cloth diapers because it can make the absorption defective. So when they would come up I would have to put her in disposable with the cream until it cleared up.

After much more researching I figured maybe I needed to "Strip" the diapers of all the chemical buildup of laundry soap and such. Which helped some, but she was still lingering with rashes that wouldn't ever fully go away.

So yet again, much more researching, on how to care for and clean the diapers. And amongst it all I came across a recipe that another blogger, Elisa Loves uses specifically for their cloth diapers, they also had problems with rashes and once she put together this laundry combination and it worked great for her, I knew I must try.

So just for safe keeping, I stripped the diapers one more time, and then made the soap. Simple as that and the cloth diapers are back into their normal full functioning gear, this recipe has been a real life saver. And no more rashes, bless-ed hooray day!

So to share on this lovely goodness, here is the simple life saving goods, and I am sure this combination could work great for more than just cloth diapers.

 All it is, is equal parts of the following ingredients, Pure Baking Soda, Super Washing Soda, and Sun Oxygen. I just got a 1 cup and scooped from each thing one at a time till I filled my nice #10 can (and I still have some left over in the containers to make more later), then put the lid on and gave it a good shake to make sure the powders blended well, and that is that!
A nice glance on the inside. Then for each load of diapers I just do one scoop (that came in the "Sun Oxygen" container) or two table spoons. Or if it is a small load, just one table spoon.

It's as simple as that, and it has been a wonderful life saver! Hooray!

Well that's all I have for today, join me again tomorrow for a continuation of the Bean fudge, where I will share the goods of the yummy Graham Crackers that are so good dipped in it!

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