Well, as mentioned in my previous post I am cutting back on blogging for this fall semester due to more family time that is definitely gonna take more priority over blogging, so today is my first "Fall Feature!"
I am not really sure what else to call this little project, so I am gonna call it "Stuffy Blankie," (as in a "stuffed animal") or for this particular project it could be called my little girl's "Kitty Blankie."
I have a friend that her little girl has something similar to this, or like the ones below:
And the fun part is my little girl even got to help out a little, she picked out the material. I had two different designed of flannel material, one had kitty cats on them, the other had cute little snails on them, and I held them in front of her and asked her which one she wanted. And within a few seconds she grabbed the kitty material and of course brought it straight to her mouth :) She is teething, can't you tell?
So the Kitty material it is. Which I think is so fun, she really seems to like cats even though we don't have one. Whenever we read books and see a kitty, I point and make a "meow" sound, and she gets all excited. And just one more random thought before I share my actual project, when I was pregnant with her I had the wildest dream that she was born she came out as a kitty cat, who knows, maybe she is part cat, just kidding, that would just be weird. OK, anyway, now back to the project. . . .
On this yellow shirt I used part of the grey for ears for the cat, then the whole rest of the cat was yellow, and then I used part of the white for the mouth and nose area of the cat.
Then, I don't know if you noticed, but I also had part of a plastic cracker bag shown earlier, I cut out part of it to put in the cat's ears to give them a fun texture and sound, a "crinkly" sound, cuz babies sure love different sounds and textures!
Here is a close up of the parts I used to make the cat's head, the whiskers were sleeves I cut off of a tank top blouse and then tied them on the ends so they won't fray, now to sew it all together. . .
Here is her "Kitty Blankie!" and I of course had to throw in a tail for fun too. . .
Oh and I found the flower in my scrap stash and thought it would make a cute little nose. I know it looks very homemade, but I had fun making it, and I think my little girl really enjoys to play with it, see:
So there we have it for this first lovely "Fall Feature!" Come join me next week for another fun venture, I am almost done with an ABC book I am making for my girl, and it isn't just any ABC book, it is a family pocket book. Some come by next week to see how it turned out!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a stupendous day!!
Super cute!!!