Monday, April 2, 2012

And the Winner is....

The random selection was put into place and the lovely winner of the 100th Venture Giveaway is...Drum Roll. . . . Megan Vickers! Congrats!! So now to fully claim your prize, go to Bare Books, browse through and pick out $10 worth goods you would like to have your hands on, and email me the items you want. Then also email me your mailing address, and as soon as I get them in the mail, they will be sent your way along with the lovely apron made by April. Again congrats!

Now for anyone else that is still interested in the bare books, you can still join in on my order, I will be making it official this Saturday, April 7th. If you want to add in, but pay the amount for your stash to me, then I will add you to the order. The idea of us joining forces is if you would still like the goods but not have to put in a full $25 worth order. If you want that much, then you could do an order all on your own. So if you are interested email me the items you want, and then get me a check for it as soon as you can (if can't get in the check before Saturday, that is fine, just at least maybe before or when you get the actual items). And if you are not locally in Rexburg, you can still join the stash, you will just need to pay a little extra to help compensate the shipping costs I will pay to ship it to you.

So there you have it! For all the details and ordering, you can email me at:

Thanks everyone for participating in the giveaway, and especially for filling out the survey, all your input is greatly appreciated, and will definitely be taken in. Thanks for all you do, for all your kindness and support! We really appreciate it all, so very much!

Until next time!

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