Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sun Up Saturday, Happy Christmas thoughts!

It is that lovely time of the month again (not the girly kind :), and I am just so thrilled to share today. If you haven't noticed from my other posts this month I just love this time of year, the music, the hot cocoa, the decorations, the presents (giving and receiving!), and most importantly, another extra special way to remember our Savior. I know we should try to focus our lives around Him all year long, but in the busy hussel bussel of life and daily things, it can be easy to forget the important simple things, at least that's how it is for me. I love the simple gentle reminder this time of year gives me, of what a great blessing we all have, to have Christ in our lives, to remember His goodness.

I know December isn't really when he was born, and the fact that we celebrate Christ's birth this time of year may seem a little off in some ways, but I love that is right before the new year. By the time Thanksgiving comes around, sometimes I feel like the year has drudged on, with so many busy things going on, it all adds up, becomes exhausting, and then Christmas comes. It brings peaceful joys and happy spirits. It brings the love of Christ back into my life, in a powerful, rekindled light, ready to take on a new year and hopefully try to keep his light bright again.

I don't know what you are like, or what your life is like. But for me it is SO extremely easy to forget what is most important. It is so easy to forget my many blessing. To forget my value and worth as a human being, as a child of God. What a powerful blessing, to be a child of God, offspring of the Divine Creator. We may hear the phrase a lot, but do we really hear it? Do we really FEEL it? I know I have a hard time letting it sink in. Many times I joke with my husband that I think I have some loose wires, or disconnection between my heart and my head, because I "Know" lots of things in my head, but it is very hard for me to make a connection down to my heart and really "feel" to really Know in my heart. The confusion, heartache, loneliness, frustration, insecurity, it can all build up so fast. Why? Because I being selfish, I worry too much about myself I am forgetting what is most important. After a year of building up in these different sort of ways I love the grand entrance Christmas time brings, reminding me how wonderful it is to think more about Christ, to find more ways to serve and be like him, and try to be closer to me family.

Christmas time has such a reviving affect on me, an almost born again sort of feeling, in wanting to start fresh, and be re-committed to living a more Christ-like life. It opens my eyes to see if there is more ways I can help others instead of allowing myself to stay enclosed within this little stay-at-home, mommy bubble I have.

I love these new little clips they have put out:
What a great time to reflect on the amazing events that occurred those many years ago. Heavenly Father's hand is in our lives and it is such a wonderful blessing. Even though it can be hard to remember at times, I do know that He is real, and He is our Father. He gave us the best gift any of us could ever dream of, His Son, to come lead by example of the most beautiful life, and then take upon Him our sins, weaknesses, trials, so that we can become whole again. Then ultimately dying and Resurrected so that we can too some day. Death is not the end because of our precious Brother. This wonderful gift is all the more tender and beautiful to think about for me. This time of year was the last cherished moments I got to have with my Mommy. Come this January it will be 7 years since she moved on from this earth life experience. Because of this beautiful gift, of our Savior and His ressurection, knowing that someday I can be with her again, see her, hug her, and chat up a storm, makes this time of year all the more joyous. Even more I love and adore my own little family now, I can't imagine life without them, and because of what our Savior has done, none of us have to ever be permanently without the ones we love.

I don't know about you, but I just love this time of year and how it makes me feel, how it makes me reflect, how it makes me be. I love my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am forever grateful for Him, that He was born, to valiant parents. That He lived. That He led the way. That He made all the best things in life possible. There really isn't a better gift, than Him. Let's share Him, by being like Him. I definitely could use some room for improvement. What a great way to give a gift in return to Him for this wonderful Christmas, than by sharing His endless love and by being our best selves.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season this year. I hope it blesses and touches your heart, with all those nice warm fuzzies, and desires to be better. Thanks again for being the wonderful faithful readers that you are, I appreciate all the support, you are wonderful, yes YOU!

Merry Christmas friends!

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